1. Salsa. I've really gotten into the whole salsa&chips phenomenon, cuz it's such an effortless meal to throw together and drowning the taste of tomatoes with tortilla chips is the only way I can trick myself into consuming that stuff (lycopene = good health AND skin, darlings!). My go-to brand has always been Tostitos, but the other week, I was walking around at the Sunshine Market in UCSD's Price Center and spotted this little baby: Field Day's Organic Salsa (medium heat). The "USDA organic" label screamed at me right away and begged to be given a home in my heavily loaded mini fridge (look for a picture of the pregnant fridge at end of post), so I checked the ingredients to make sure there was no weird preservatives and WELL, it was such an impressive list!
...individually, the stuff they used for the salsa would've cost a fortune, but the bottle was sold for just $3 so being the sucker that I was, I made the purchase. I didn't get around to trying it until last week, and well, verdict?
Bleh, I'll stick to my possibly-GMO'd Tostitos salsa, thanks! The salsa itself was fairly runny (which is how I like it), but it didn't taste "just right" like Tostitos salsa. I'm sure it's not the fact that it's organic that's making it taste so weird, but now I feel all conditioned to avoid all organic salsa brands! Maybe I'll change my mind by the time I finish the entire container (but what are the chances of that, I've already gone halfway through and it still hasn't taste any better), but as of right now, organic salsa is on my avoid-these-products list.
2. Yogurt, I'm an avid fan of Glamour's health articles, so when I heard about how "good" Greek yogurt was, I immediately added that to my list of things to try. Spotted Vosko's on sale during a trip to Ralph's a couple weeks ago, so bought two tubs, which I finally tried yesterday--and SIGH, more disappointment! I bought it plain, so it was well, plain, and didn't hold up to expectations at all. It did leave this surprisingly pleasant aftertaste, however, so I'll give their honey flavored one a try and maybe that'll taste better. (It was just $0.69, I believe, which was tons cheaper than Yoplait anyway!) I bought Stonyfield's yogurt (which has live-cultured bacteria that's supposed to help your digestive system) during the same trip too and it was really good, so at least I have that brand to fall back on.
On a side note, I wish some Viet company would come up with a yogurt brand, because I've never tasted any yogurt that's better than vietnamese yogurt. <3
3. Dark chocolate. My favorite indulgence this year has got to be dark chocolate, which has good-for-you- anti-oxidants AND taste mother-fricking awesome. I eat only 1-2 pieces per day, so it takes a while to actually get through the bars I buy at Trader Joe's, but my aunt from Switzerland gave me a couple bars of Lindt's and HOLY FUDGE, I'M HOOKED. The one below is mango&cayenne, but the one I really fell in love with was fig&caramel (which I've already finished haha). Lindt's is a bit expensive for my budget, however, so I think I'll stick to Trader Joe's brand (3 bars for around $2!) when I have to restock.
And lastly, here's a picture of my fridge to dispel all rumors that I'm skinny because I don't eat:
I'm trying not to get deterred with all the recent fail!purchases lately, but this learning from your errors mistake with food is kinda expensive, lol!
- Jeanne
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