Saturday, April 17, 2010

Life feels expensive when you have to pay for your own food.

I've never really gotten the whole idea of giving an intro to blogs; it screams self-importance, introduces an air of haughtiness, indulges the optimistically senseless expectation that out of the gabajillion blogs created every single day, yours was important and interesting enough to capture a total stranger's attention long enough to warrant clarification for their sake--and as a happily bitter soul who believes no one gives a damn (read: I would be too lazy to write an intro anyway, even if I had felt otherwise about blog intros in general), I cannot bring myself to do so! Yea, I could've left this first post to one of my more compassionate counterparts who could explain in much gentler terms how we got started on this whole enchilada, but like usual, I really wanted to beat everyone to the bushes (read: I can't fricking fall asleep) so hoho, here we are.

Anyway, to just jump into things cuz it's already 5:00am and I should get to sleep, I've recently made that expensive jump towards healthy and organic foods! It's going to set me back probably a good couple hundred or so every school year, buuut I revel in my snooty belief that I will possibly outlive all my friends (...blessing or curse, really?) In the case that I don't, I will just lovingly curse you all (and all those darn writers of health articles) from beyond the grave. :)

The below is my first attempt at eating healthy; thought of it while strutting down the canned foods aisle of Ralph's while constructing fantasies of my own Semi-Homemade show (starving student edition). Granted, I had to sauté the veggies in tons of butter (with omega-3s!) to mask the taste of veggies (which I absolutely abhor), but whatever bitches, at least I'm getting some.

...oho, the innuendos that could arise from that last statement.

Well all right, signing out!
- Jeanne :)

macaroni tuna salad with red bell peppers, green beans, corn, cucumber, carrots, and way more onions than my skinny Asian stomach could handle:


  1. yay i'm the first person to comment. and did u make that urself? it actually looks edible.

  2. AW I can't believe you actually stopped by!!! <3 :) Make your darn roommate read our blog. :D

    Yea, I made that! The recipe wasn't rocket science or anything, but I was so proud it was actually edible! I'm testing out the recipes down here so I can make 'em for you guys when I come home haha. ;)

    - Ms. H
